Sell your unwanted belongings – Selling unwanted belongings is a great way to save money when preparing for a move.Separate the items that you don’t want and put them all together – Getting the clutter out of the way will give your mover an idea of how much stuff you will be taking with you to your new home and they will be able to give you an appropriate estimated cost for your move.ĥ Weeks: Get Rid and/or Sell Items You’re Not Taking With You.Go through each room and decide what items you will be purging – Having fewer things to move will make your move cost cheaper and will help you stay organized throughout the moving process.Do a brief clean of your house – A clean house will be easier to start with when deciding what belongings you will be taking with you to your new home.6-8 Weeks: Clean & Decide What You’re Taking With You Here we have laid out a simple step-by-step breakdown of preparing for your move, what to pack, and when to do it, along with some other moving tips. The earlier you start the packing process, the easier it will be when your move date approaches. The actual moving preparation process should start at least 6-8 weeks before your move. When should you start packing for your move? You should start packing for your move at least 3 weeks prior to your anticipated move date.
#Moving packing list professional#
As a professional in the moving industry, being involved in hundreds of moves, I can tell you the most important part of the moving process is how you prepare and when you start. Packing your home for your move is no easy task.